2022 'Girls with Pearls' Feature | mvvoart
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Feature presentation of
'Girls with pearls'
by caroline sikkenk

to be displayed May 15-21, 2022
as part of the month-long AD ART SHOW 2022
At Westfield World Trade Center inside the Oculus

MvVO ART/AD ART SHOW 2022 featured selections from an extraordinary series of photographs by Dutch photographer Caroline Sikkenk. The photos were displayed on monumental digital advertising screens May 15 to May 21, 2022, in a special show within the larger AD ART SHOW, and on the MvVO ART Artsy gallery page. Caroline Sikkenk’s participation in AD ART SHOW has been supported by the American Friends of the Mauritshuis and the Mauritshuis in The Hague—home of the Vermeer masterpiece—and now celebrating 200 years since opening its doors to art lovers.

Click to read more about "The Girls with Pearls" featured show.

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